Spagna: la donna che ha ucciso i suoi due figli è la compagna di un noto pedofilo / Mother ‘suffocated children with plastic bag’ in Spanish hotel days after partner was arrested on paedophile charges

Le vittime sono il figlio di un anno e la figlia di 5

Spagna: la donna che ha ucciso i suoi due figli è la compagna di un noto pedofilo

La reo confessa del duplice omicidio è legata a Martin Anthony Smith arrestato per pedofilia


MILANO – La donna inglese arrestata martedì a Lloret del Mar, la località turistica catalana, per avere ucciso, soffocandoli, i suoi due figli di uno e cinque anni è la compagna di un presunto pedofilo ricercato dalla polizia britannica e arrestato la settimana scorsa a Barcellona. Lo riferisce oggi la stampa spagnola.

LA VICENDA – L’uomo, Martin Anthony Smith, è fra l’altro accusato di avere abusato negli anni scorsi di una bimba di cinque anni, figlia di una sua compagna, e di tentata violenza contro un’altra minore. Il bimbo di un anno ucciso martedì era il figlio che la donna aveva avuto da Smith, la bambina era invece la figliastra dell’uomo. Secondo la stampa spagnola la madre dei due piccoli, trovati morti nella stanza di albergo che occupavano con la madre a Lloret, avrebbe scritto una piena confessione, nella quale indicherebbe le ragioni del drammatico gesto. L’inchiesta è per ora coperta dal segreto istruttorio. Non è stata resa nota l’identità della donna e dei due bambini. Una autopsia sulle due piccole vittime è prevista per oggi o giovedì.


Redazione online
19 maggio 2010



Mother ‘suffocated children with plastic bag’ in Spanish hotel days after partner was arrested on paedophile charges

By Christian Gysin and Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 12:56 PM on 19th May 2010

  • Lianne Smith, 43, ‘feared children her children would be taken from her’
  • Her partner Martin Smith was arrested in Barcelona on Friday
  • Children named as Rebecca and Daniel
  • Staffordshire Police had been hunting for Smith, Lianne and Rebecca since 2007
  • Court hears Smith is father to both children

The British woman accused of killing her two small children in Spain has allegedly said she feared they would be taken from her after her partner was arrested on charges of child rape.

Martin Anthony Smith, 45, from North Shields, was seized in Barcelona on May 7. He was extradited to Britain yesterday and appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court today to face 13 charges.

His wife, Lianne Smith, is being held in Spain today, accused of killing their two children – Rebecca, aged five, and Daniel, 11 months. Their bodies were found in a hotel room in Lloret de Mar near Barcelona yesterday afternoon.

She allegedly confessed to the killings in a note, fearing her children would be taken from her by Spanish authorities following her partner’s arrest.


Horror: Rebecca Smith, aged five, was found dead in a hotel room in Spain yesterday. Her mother Lianne, 43, has allegedly confessed to the killing

In custody: Martin Anthony Smith, the partner of the British woman  being held for killing her two children in a Spanish hotel, was  arrested in Barcelona for child rape last weekIn custody: Martin Anthony Smith, the partner of the British woman being held for killing her two children in a Spanish hotel, was arrested in Barcelona for child rape last week

Unconfirmed reports claimed they were suffocated with a plastic bag. A post-mortem has not yet been completed.

Lianne Smith has not yet been charged with any offence. She is due to appear in a Spanish court today or tomorrow.

Her partner Martin appeared at Carlisle Magistrates’ Court this morning to face 13 charges of sexual offences and for failing to answer police bail.

A Cumbria police spokesman said: ‘During the court hearing it was disclosed that Spanish police have informed Cumbria Constabulary that Martin Smith’s wife, 43-year-old Lianne Smith, has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of his two children Rebecca, five, and Daniel, 11 months, in Spain.

‘Lianne and Rebecca had been missing from the Staffordshire area since December 2007.’

Smith, who had been one of Britain’s most wanted men, was arrested in Barcelona last week in connection with a rape of a child under 16, gross indecency with a girl under 16, indecent assault of a girl under 16, and attempted rape of a girl under 16.

The alleged attacks took place between April 30, 1995 and April 29, 2005.

Today he was remanded in custody until his next court appearance.

Staffordshire Police have been hunting for Martin, Lianne and Rebecca Smith since 2007.

A post on the ‘Help Find My Child’ website said the three had gone missing from Lichfield in Staffordshire on December 7, 2007.

A statement on the website said: ‘Staffordshire Police are concerned for Rebecca who has not been seen since she left the UK with her mother and father Martin Smith and may have travelled to mainland Europe.

‘They are believed to have left the country via Dover and may have travelled to Spain, however could be anywhere in Europe.’

Arrest: Lianne Smith is led out of the Hotel Miramar and into a  waiting police car in Spain yesterdayArrest: Lianne Smith is led out of the Hotel Miramar and into a waiting police car in Spain yesterday

A police van carrying Martin Smith leaves Carlisle Magistrates  Court this morning after he was charged with 13 sexual offencesA police van carrying Martin Smith leaves Carlisle Magistrates Court this morning after he was charged with 13 sexual offences

It has not been confirmed if all three were in Spain together.

Today respected El Pais newspaper, quoting local police sources, said  Mrs Smith had left her confession in the form of a note.

She asked staff at the beachfront Hotel Miramar in Lloret de Mar on the Costa Brava to phone for police and an ambulance around 3pm yesterday.

When hotel staff asked why, she reportedly would only reply: ‘You will see.’

Police were called and made the horrific discovery in Room 101 of the four-star hotel.

Local police found the bodies of Rebecca and Daniel lying on the beds of the triple room, carefully covered with a blanket, local newspaper Diari de Girona said.

There were no signs of violence.


Crime scene: Room 101 in the Hotel Miramar, where the children’s bodies were found, was sealed off by police yesterday

A worker at the hotel said the two officers brought the mother down from the room and  sat her in reception.

After being questioned by police, the woman returned to the hotel room – in handcuffs – to help carry out a reconstruction for investigators.

She was taken away from the Hotel Miramar shortly after 6.30pm.  She was reportedly heckled by a crowd of several dozen in front of the hotel as she was led away by police.

Sources said police were searching rubbish bins near the hotel for sleeping pills or tablets that may have been used to overdose the youngsters.

This morning police would not confirm reports that the two were suffocated with a plastic bag.

Mrs Smith was also said to have been seen in the resort in the company of a man, who  officers are trying to find in case he can shed any light on the deaths, Diari de Girona reported. He is not a suspect.

A room inside the Hotel Miramar, similar to the one where Rebecca  and Daniel were found deadA room inside the Hotel Miramar, similar to the one where Rebecca and Daniel were found dead

British holidaymakers laid flowers at the front of the hotel last night, one saying: ‘RIP little ones. God has gained two angels.’

Officers from the Catalan regional police force took over the investigation from the municipal police in Lloret de Mar.

The judge investigating the deaths has ordered police inquiries be carried out in total secrecy.

A French family staying in the room above, on the second floor, said they saw  the two children playing on the balcony on Monday.

They said the mother ordered them to go back inside. But they heard nothing out  of the ordinary on the afternoon the children died.

R.I.P. little ones: A floral tribute left outside the Hotel  MirarmarR.I.P. little ones: A floral tribute left outside the Hotel Mirarmar

The Frenchman, staying in the resort with his wife and a baby, said: ‘We saw her on Tuesday morning. She was pale and had bags under her eyes. She looked  bad.

‘The previous day we’d been struck by the fact her daughter spent a lot of time  playing alone on the balcony, which is not a place to leave such a small girl.’

The un-named holidaymaker added: ‘We are horrified that this awful crime has been committed in the room below us.’

Last night a judge from a court in the nearby town of Blanes, who is set to oversee the investigation, was at the Hotel Miramar and speaking to staff.

The bodies of the children have been transferred to the Institute of Legal Medicine in Girona and will be examined by a pathologist today.

Mrs Smith checked into the £53-a-night hotel with the children on Saturday.

She was not part of a package deal with a tour operator and had made the reservation by phone before paying in advance for four nights’ accommodation.

The family had been expected to check out of the hotel today.

Sources within the Hotel Miramar said the woman arrived by car with the children.

A hotel spokesman refused to discuss the tragedy.

A Foreign Office spokesman said only: ‘We have seen and heard reports and we are investigating.’

Lloret de Mar is popular with both younger holidaymakers and British families and the hotel strip is close to the beach, a green area and water park.

Around 40,000 people live in the former fishermen’s village, which has five main beaches along a coastline of more than four miles. It has a string of bars and clubs and one of the beaches holds a Blue Flag award.

The Hotel Miramar boasts 54 rooms ranging over seven storeys.

Each year some 1.5million people visit the Costa Brava region, making it the most popular holiday destination in mainland Spain.

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