Parigi: uccise 3 attiviste curde del Pkk, esecuzione collegata a Ocalan / VIDEO / On Peace Talks and Assassinations: The Imrali Process in Turkey

Kurdish protests after Paris killings


Pubblicato in data 10/gen/2013

The bodies of three Kurdish women who appeared to have died from gunshot wounds have been found in the Kurdish Institute in central Paris.

The victims were Turkish-born Kurdish activists, including a co-founder of the militant separatist PKK.

Police believe the killings were politically motivated and a murder investigation has been launched.

French Interior Minister Manuel Valls visited the scene of the shootings. Members of the Kurdish community demonstrated outside the information centre as he arrived.


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Parigi: uccise 3 attiviste curde del Pkk, esecuzione collegata a Ocalan

10 Gennaio 2013 – 11:50

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(ASCA) – Roma, 10 gen – Una pallottola alla testa, un’esecuzione nel cuore di Parigi: tre attiviste curde sono state trovate morte questa notte nei locali di un centro di informazioni del Decimo Arrondissement.

Appartenevano al Pkk, il Partito dei lavoratori del Kurdistan, il movimento politico clandestino armato sostenuto dalle masse popolari (prevalentemente agricole) del sud-est della Turchia, d’ispirazione marxista-leninista.

A quanto si apprende tra le vittime vi sarebbe Sakine Cansiz, cofondatrice del partito. Le altre due sono invece state identificate come Fidan Dogan, rappresentante in Francia del Congresso nazionale del Kurdistan e Leyla Soylemez, giovane attivista.

A rinvenire i corpi senza vita alcuni amici, preoccupati dalle molte telefonate rimaste senza risposta.

L’episodio giunge a pochi giorni dall’apertura mostrata da Ankara nei confronti del leader curdo Abdullah Ocalan, in carcere sull’isola di Imrali dal 1999 in condizioni di totale isolamento.

Intanto, uno dei movimenti piu’ vicini al Pkk in Francia, quello dei ”giovani curdi”, in una nota diffusa on line ha invitato ”tutti i curdi e gli amici del popolo curdo” a raggiungere subito Parigi per una manifestazione di disssenso.

Un primo corteo e’ stato registrato di fronte al centro di informazioni, la scena del crimine, dove centinaia di dimostranti hanno scandito slogan di solidarieta’ alle vittime: ”Siamo tutti Pkk” e ”Turchia assassina, Hollande complice”. (fonte AFP).





On Peace Talks and Assassinations: The Imrali Process in Turkey




With the new year, the Turkish state has begun new negotiations with the Kurdistan Worker’s Party, the PKK, including finally ending the long isolation of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. There has never been so much outspoken support by Turks for negotiations with the PKK in Turkey, and last year’s Kurdish hunger strikes revealed the political power of the Kurds. The talks have unofficially resulted in a road-map that will lead to disarmament of the PKK, in return for increased rights for the Kurds.

But what have these “peace” talks really accomplished? And what could their implication be for the marginalized Kurdish community? Although the willingness to meet with Abdullah Öcalan and the opening of a political process is a positive development, the Turkish state still has leaps and bounds to go before it proves that it is truly willing to allow Kurds to claim their rights in Turkey, and that it will respect and treat Kurds with equality. The BDP is cautious about the negotiations, saying that the Turkish state will have to prove its commitment to negotiations before a ceasefire and disarmament can be enacted. “The conditions between the parties are just not equal,” BDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtas told fellow lawmakers on Tuesday.

The BDP is demanding a stronger commitment from Turkey before fully accepting a ceasefire, including the release of Abdullah Öcalan, the release of thousands of Kurdish detainees imprisoned for ties to the PKK, and the recognition of the Kurdish minority in the Turkish constitution. But even if Turkey affirms its dedication to a peace process today, how would the situation change for Turkey’s Kurds?



Just yesterday, 9 January, three Kurdish women, including a founding member of the PKK, were assassinated in Paris in cold blood. There names are Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez. The investigation is pending. Turkey must stop vilifying the Kurdish community in Europe if negotiations in Turkey are to continue. The Kurdish community cannot represent themselves with agency and equality if they are continually persecuted and censored. From the RojTV trials in Denmark to the assassination of these women in Paris, it is clear that Turkey’s racist influences reach far beyond its borders. The murders of these women must be investigated thoroughly and justice must be served.

The mass trial of over 46 Kurdish lawyers, journalists, and other professionals continues. They are being charged under Turkey’s broad terrorism and criminal laws, and the evidence against them is often distorted and was obtained from overly invasive surveillance methods. Overall, over 8,000 defendants have been accused of terrorism under the broad-reaching KCK trials, where anyone loosely affiliated with the PKK or advocating for Kurdish rights is at risk.

There is as of yet no guarantee that a terrible massacre like the one that happened in Uludere on December 28, 2011, will never be repeated. The Turkish government has issued no formal apologies and have been uncooperative with an investigative committee. The victims of the Roboskî massacre were innocent civilians, not even armed rebels, and yet their death remains unjustified and unaccounted for.

All of this, and even more injustices against Kurds such as censorship, racist attacks, and the denial of the language and cultural rights, do not mean that the current peace negotiations cannot be fruitful. On the contrary, these issues cannot be fully resolved without a political discourse and dialogue.

Turkey obviously has interests in ending the conflict with the PKK, which is why it is beginning these negotiations. As the negotiator with the greater power, the Turkish state is able to dictate how and when these negotiations take place. It is not because Turkey has suddenly woken up to the urgency of the issue of Kurdish rights. There are a variety of reasons for the current negotiations, including containment of the Syrian issue and upcoming elections next year. This why these negotiations are not a guarantee a better situation for Kurds. As long as political interests hold higher sway than a commitment to social justice for all, Kurds in Turkey will continue to be victims of the institutionalized oppression Turkey has enacted against Kurds for decades.

With these concerns in mind, here is a hope for a legitimate discourse and a true change for the better for Kurdish rights.



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